Sunday is the time of year that we often rehearse the suffering of Jesus Christ
on the cross. Often we are moved by this story but we dont always see how it
parallels to our everyday lives. Not only were our sins nailed to the cross,
but also the Traumas and Tragedies of our lives. God knows there can be no resurrection power until there is a death of Self Surrendering.
Resurrection Sunday is the time of year that we often
rehearse the suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross. Often we are moved by this
story but we dont always see how it parallels to our everyday lives. Not only
were our sins nailed to the cross, but also the Traumas and Tragedies of our
lives. "Surely he hath borne our Griefs, and carried our
sorrows and Nailed them to the Cross
(Isaiah 53:4) Jesus
being nailed to the cross shows that he has experienced all that we will go
through. He understands and can sympathize weaknesses, infirmities, liability
and assaults of temptation even our physical suffering and consenting to the
will of God in what appears to be a tragic end. He knows there can be no
resurrection power until there is a death of Self Surrendering. "For
me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." (Philippians
1: Nailed to the Cross
2: Betrayal
3: Redemption
4: Hopelessness
5: Affliction
6: Submission
7: Finality & Resurrection